These terms and conditions were created in order to educate the users of about the rules, requirements, and regulations of the website. As soon as you visit, access or perform actions within the site (i.e. browse reviews, write testimonials, leave feedback, etc.), you are bound by the terms set forth by us in this Terms and Conditions page.
Definition of Terms
1. Parties Involved in the Agreement
When referring to the words “you’re”, “you”, and “your”, we are pertaining to any user who visits or uses the website in any capacity.
When referring to the words, “us”, “our”, “ours”, and “we”, we are pertaining to the site and any person, who is an employee or an affiliate of
2. Content of the Website
We refer to “content” when we are describing any video, audio, image, text, visuals, or any other form of correspondence found on the website.
When we say “Our Content”, we are referring to any material published on our site, which will include every term mentioned in the “A” part of this section.
We refer to “user content” when we are discussing any material – as defined in the “A” part of the section – that was published by you or anyone else who uses the website.
We refer to “Third Party Content” when we are discussing any of the terms mentioned in the “A” part of the section, which is posted by any person or entity that is not connected to our website or anyone who is not a registered user.
3. Changing Any Part of the Terms and Conditions’ administrators, employees, and owners are well within their rights when they decide to change any of the pre-set terms or conditions written on this page. Any changes will take places, if the employees and owners find it necessary or appropriate. These modifications can happen without any warning at any given time; however, the site will give public notice about these modifications as they happen, as well as post the necessary announcement through the site or through the newsletters. Once the changes have been made public, it will immediately take effect, which means that all of the users of the site are obligated to follow it.
4. Your Usage of
Eligible Users: Users must be 18 years old or older in order to access our site. This gives you the legal authority to agree to our terms and conditions. If we find out that you are below 18 years of age, we will block you from using out site. Aside from that, competitors are also not allowed to gain access to our website. If we discover that an ineligible person has gained access to our site, we will act on this through legal means.
Risk Assumption: Even though you are allowed to access our site, you will be doing so at your own risk. If you decide to visit, register, or use the website in any way that is offensive, inappropriate, or false, we will not be liable for any of the consequences of your action. Once more, we are not responsible for any of the materials that users post, nor are we responsible for any use of your content.
Changes, Interruptions, Suspensions, for the Website: We are authorized to alter, interrupt, suspend, or discontinue our website without any warning or notice.
User Accounts: If a person wants to gain access to specific features of our site, they must register and create an account on our website. They are responsible for updating and managing their own accounts. These will be protected using passwords, but the user is solely responsible for their own password. If a user thinks that their password is compromised, they must inform us as soon as possible. We are authorized to ban any user or close their account without any warning or notice.
Account Integrity: You must agree that your account was created for your personal use. It should not be accessed for commercial reasons. You must also agree that you are not falsifying your identity when you are creating your account. All of your personal information must be true and accurate. Users are allowed only one account each.
The accounts of our users are for non-commercial, personal use, and nothing else. You may not take anyone else’s identity and make it your own. You may not register for more than one account or profile.
Once you create an account on our website, you agree to receive notices and newsletters from our site. If you are concerned about your privacy or security, you may look through our Privacy Policy.
5. Responsibility for Content
The user is the only one who is responsible for the materials that they post on our website. You must acknowledge that any content you post may not be deleted permanently. Apart from that, you are taking the risk for anything that you post on the site. We are not responsible for any of the content you post. You are also not allowed to imply that supports, agrees, or endorses any of the materials that you post.
If you end up posting something that is derogatory, offensive, fake, anything that is violating any state, local, national, or regional laws, or anything that is plagiarized and is in violation of copyright or privacy laws, you are liable for any of the consequences of that action. Also, if you publish anything that is pornographic, anything that endangers the welfare of children and minors, content that is considered as “hate speech”, and anything of the like, you will bear all of the liability and consequences of that action. We will not be involved in any lawsuit that stems from the material that you decided to publish, but we will cooperate with any legal organization in their investigation.
Our Rights to Your Content
All of the materials you post on our site will be free for us to use. Other users who have seen your content will be able to use it to. You must agree that anything you post may be reposted in its original state or as a modified version in other websites that we deem fit, or other places that other users choose. We are also allowed to use your materials for commercial reasons.
Your Usage of Our Site’s Content
Any content published on our website is considered ours. These are all protected by copyright laws. You must agree to not share, lease, use, sell, or distribute this content. If you decide to use our content in any way – other than viewing it – you are violating copyright laws and you are liable to be prosecuted under these laws.
We also reserve the right to use advertisements and place them on the website. This may include the areas around the materials and content that you posted.
Atom Feeds and Our RSS Access
If you own an account, you are allowed to view or use the content on the site on these feeds. You can only access this content on non-commercial grounds, such as posting on your social media accounts. The use of these feeds does not mean that our site endorses or supports any of the views or materials that our users post. If you decide to access our content feed, you must give credit to our site. We can suspend these feeds anytime and block you from any further access, especially if we think you misused these accounts. If you want to utilize our content for a different reason, you must ask for our permission.
The content of our users do not reflect any of our views. We reserve the right to change, remove, or edit any of the content that users post. We are not obligated to provide you with copies of the materials you posted. When you post your content, you are agreeing to waive your confidentiality rights.
6. Guidelines and Policies
Our users must acknowledge that they read the entirety of this agreement and they must understand them before proceeding. They also agree to have looked through and understood the Privacy Policy of our site, as well as any other guidelines and policies that were posted on our website. Users should also agree that they have read and understood the following:
Our site may relay your information and content to other third-party entities we choose.
In the event that we notice or discover any illegal actions or law violation – whether civil or criminal – we will inform the proper legal authorities and take legal action ourselves.
We will coordinate with any law enforcement agency, if they decide to investigate you for any activity you may have performed using our website.
Users must indemnify and hold harmless and all the people affiliated with our site, if you get sued or prosecuted for the activities that you have performed on our website.
Our site complies with the Millennium Digital Copyright Act. If you are found to have violated any of the terms set by the MDCA, we will inform the proper authorities about your violations.
Our team will remove and ban any material we believe violates existing copyright law and we will block the accounts of the users who are guilty of this act.
Users are legally obligated to alert the website’s administrators if they think another user is in violation of any copyright law on our website. Once we locate that account and content, we will remove it from our site until the investigation is resolved.
We will also inform the true owner of the plagiarized content and give them the information of the user that used this content falsely.
7. Links, Apps, and Tools from Third Parties
We are allowed to post links to third parties on our website as we see fit. We cannot verify the security of these third parties, nor can we assure you of the quality of their products or promotional offers. If you visit any of the third-party sites from our website, you are responsible for any of the consequences because you will no longer be under the protection of our security policies.
8. Holding Harmless
If a user decides to access our site, they must agree to hold harmless and indemnify the website or any of its affiliated employees for any of the negative effects of your usage. This may include consequences from the use of a fake identity, which was published by another user. It may also include any legal proceedings that may be brought against the user due to plagiarism, misuse of content, fraud, or other illegal activities. Users must also agree that our site is not responsible for any harm that they may incur from linking to any third-party websites from our website. If the site ends up accruing any legal fees from your actions, we will take legal action against you as well in order to hold you responsible for those legal fees.
9. Suspension or Termination of the Terms and Conditions
This page and its content will stay in effect until we decide to suspend or delete any terms written in it.
10. Termination of User
Our site is authorized to delete user accounts or block them from accessing any part of our website. Users are allowed to make an appeal. If the site decides to delete or suspend an active account, we are still authorized to retain and use your materials as we see fit.
11. General Terms
Our site will always have the authority to modify, change, suspend, terminate, or update the website as we deem necessary.
Users will be notified of these modifications through e-mail or through the site itself.
The terms and conditions set forth will cover all the regulations and policies that are in effect between you and our site.
Our site may choose not to enforce any of these conditions and terms, but in other cases, all of these are still considered legal and binding.
If a legal entity decides that any of the terms and conditions on this page cannot be enforced, the rest of the terms and conditions will still be effective.
No additional information is found beyond this line of text.